Improve Quality Attributes

Asparagus_Enhance Output & Raise Quality – Vietnam|{p}Open field cultivation in Tien Giang, Vietnam. {/p}|{p}Increased total output and Grade-1 output.{/p}
Case Study | Improve Quality Attributes

Asparagus_Enhance Output & Raise Quality – Vietnam|{p}Open field cultivation in Tien Giang, Vietnam. {/p}|{p}Increased total output and Grade-1 output.{/p}

✓ Total output increased by 66%.| ✓ Grade-1 output increased by 157%.| ✓ Total revenue increased by 113%.
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Butterhead Lettuce_Higher Nutritional Value – Singapore|{p}Aeroponic cultivation in tropical Singapore. {/p}|{p}Increased overall nutritional value of output.{/p}
Case Study | Improve Quality Attributes

Butterhead Lettuce_Higher Nutritional Value – Singapore|{p}Aeroponic cultivation in tropical Singapore. {/p}|{p}Increased overall nutritional value of output.{/p}

✓ Increase in all nine measured nutritional parameters.| ✓ Significant increase in Calcium , Magnesium and Thiamin/ Vitamin B1 , and Riboflavin/Vitamin B2 .| ✓ There was no statistical difference in total yield.
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Cherries_Enhance Yield & Quality – Australia|{p}Family-run cherry orchards in Wombat, NSW.  {/p}|{p}Improved total yield and 1st-grade output{/p}
Case Study | Improve Quality Attributes

Cherries_Enhance Yield & Quality – Australia|{p}Family-run cherry orchards in Wombat, NSW. {/p}|{p}Improved total yield and 1st-grade output{/p}

✓ Only one spray of OCC in the season with Calcium.| ✓ 1st-grade output increased by 7%.| ✓ Total output increased by 10.2%.
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Cherry Tomato – Uniform Maturity & Enhance Revenue – Spain | {p}Hydroponic greenhouse in Almeria, Spain.{/p}  | {p}Increased Grade A output to improve revenue.{/p}
Case Study | Improve Quality Attributes

Cherry Tomato – Uniform Maturity & Enhance Revenue – Spain | {p}Hydroponic greenhouse in Almeria, Spain.{/p} | {p}Increased Grade A output to improve revenue.{/p}

✓ Improved a more uniform maturity in each stem of tomatoes. | ✓ Average Grade A output increased from 90% to 97%. | ✓ No statistical difference in total yield.
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Coffee_Enhance Output & Raise Quality Attributes – Vietnam|{p}Plantation in Dak Lak province, Vietnam. {/p}|{p}Improved both the total yield and quality of coffee beans{/p}
Case Study | Improve Quality Attributes

Coffee_Enhance Output & Raise Quality Attributes – Vietnam|{p}Plantation in Dak Lak province, Vietnam. {/p}|{p}Improved both the total yield and quality of coffee beans{/p}

✓ Four applications of OCC over a 180-day harvest cycle.| ✓ Increase in yield and quality of coffee beans.| ✓ An improvement of 50% overall commercial return.
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Ornamentals_Faster Growth, Improve Quality Attributes –  Singapore|{p}National Parks Nursery in Singapore. {/p}|{p}Improve Quality Attributes of orchids and roses{/p}
Case Study | Improve Quality Attributes

Ornamentals_Faster Growth, Improve Quality Attributes – Singapore|{p}National Parks Nursery in Singapore. {/p}|{p}Improve Quality Attributes of orchids and roses{/p}

✓ Activated soil nutrients for faster growth.| ✓ Better uptake, delivery and penetration of soil nutrients to enhance quality attributes.| ✓ Improve the value of ornamentals.
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Sweetsop_Improve Yield and Quality – Vietnam|{p}Plantation in Southern Vietnam. {/p}|{p}Double-digit increase in yield and profit to growers{/p}
Case Study | Improve Quality Attributes

Sweetsop_Improve Yield and Quality – Vietnam|{p}Plantation in Southern Vietnam. {/p}|{p}Double-digit increase in yield and profit to growers{/p}

✓ Larger fruits with better uniformity in sizes.| ✓ Total yield increased by 30%.| ✓ Total profit to growers increased by 45%.
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