Enhance Compounds Efficacies

Corn Rust Control – Brazil|{p}Trial done in Ponta Grossa, Brazil.{/p}|{p}Reduce input of fungicides and maintain the yield of corn.{/p}
Case Study | Enhance Compounds Efficacies

Corn Rust Control – Brazil|{p}Trial done in Ponta Grossa, Brazil.{/p}|{p}Reduce input of fungicides and maintain the yield of corn.{/p}

✓ The fungicide dosage was reduced by 50% from the label’s dosage.| ✓ Productivity per hectare with OCC was 6,743.97 kgs at 50% and 6,966,62 kgs at 65% dose of fungicides. | ✓ A 100% full-label dosage of fungicides only without OCC was at 6,562.50 kgs.
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Maise Weed Conrol – Spain|{p}The trial was conducted by an agricultural university in Mayora de Campos in Valladolid, Spain.{/p}|{p}Reduce input cost and maintain the yield and quality.{/p}
Case Study | Enhance Compounds Efficacies

Maise Weed Conrol – Spain|{p}The trial was conducted by an agricultural university in Mayora de Campos in Valladolid, Spain.{/p}|{p}Reduce input cost and maintain the yield and quality.{/p}

✓ Input cost per hectare reduced from €36 to €24.13, a 32.9% reduction.| ✓ Herbicide dosage was reduced by 67% from the label’s recommendation.| ✓ Marginal improvement in productivity.
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Sugarcane Weed Control – Brazil |{p}The trial was conducted in Sao Paulo, Brazil.{/p}|{p} Improve the performance of glyphosate, metribuzin and  mesotrione.{/p}
Case Study | Enhance Compounds Efficacies

Sugarcane Weed Control – Brazil |{p}The trial was conducted in Sao Paulo, Brazil.{/p}|{p} Improve the performance of glyphosate, metribuzin and mesotrione.{/p}

✓ Control at half-dose of glyphosate outperforms full-dose according to the EWRC grading scale. |✓ Control at half-dose metribuzin 480 plus mesotrione 480 outperforms full-dose according to the EWRC grading scale.
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Weed Control on Wheat|{p}A herbicide trial on the control of flex leaf fleabane.{/p}|{p}Extend the control period of weed and hence reduce herbicide application frequency.{/p}
Case Study | Enhance Compounds Efficacies

Weed Control on Wheat|{p}A herbicide trial on the control of flex leaf fleabane.{/p}|{p}Extend the control period of weed and hence reduce herbicide application frequency.{/p}

✓ Lengthen the application interval from 21 days to 42 days. ✓ Potential direct chemical savings range between 19% and 39%.
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