Characteristics of OCC

OCC contains a unique electrokinetic charge which enables OCC-based formulas to move through the symplastic pathway in the plant system, traverse cell membranes, and move freely within the plant’s interconnected cellular network. This mode of action is vital for compounds that require cell-to-cell movements to exert their effects.

OCC can spread throughout the plant via the symplastic pathway, ensuring even distribution to leaves, stems, roots, and fruits.

It can protect against pests, pathogens, and diseases by providing enhanced systemic plant action. It can also prompt a swift plant response as it spreads and activates defense mechanisms or physiological reactions.

OCC-encapsulated compounds remain stable and effective over time, with reduced susceptibility to external degradation within plant cells. They can also ensure prolonged effects by lingering in various plant parts, offering extended protection and benefits.

Beyond its food-grade ingredients, it also reduces environmental impact due to lower usage quantities and efficient uptake within the plant.